STAR TALKS Bringing the Universe to You
Star Talks are superbly illustrated presentations on Astronomy and Space Science. Star Talks are presented by Dennis Ashton,  Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Dennis is one of the most experienced astronomy speakers and planetarium presenters in the UK. In the last 28 years, almost 240,000 people have attended his presentations. Star Talks are designed for schools, interest clubs and science events. They are suitable for all age groups. Sessions usually last around an hour but can be tailored to fit any timetable. A typical school session includes: 1. The presentation on a chosen theme. It includes short student activities at intervals. 2. Question and Answer time. 3. Class activity ‘Build a Planet’ using Planet 10 software. 4. 3D images of the Moon and Mars using anaglyph spectacles.
Dennis is also one of the presenters with Wonderdome, the mobile planetarium. Please click on the image below to visit the Wonderdome website. or return to the top of the page.

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